Double-Digit Yields: Natural Gas and The Companies that Move It

The volume of natural gas demanded did not go down appreciably during the Great Recession nor the 2015 oil price crash, and it won't here either. Thus firms whose main business is moving natural gas from here to there for a fixed fee are not going to be that heavily affected. This guest article (from Darren McCammon) reviews two such companies that currently offer attractive, well covered, double digit dividend yields (we currently own one of the two). According to Mr. McCammon “these are exactly the type of firms one should be buying greedily as everyone else runs in fear.”

This Healthy Dividend Stock Will Grow As Nat Gas Volumes Boom

If you're looking for an attractive dividend plus continuing price appreciation, the natural gas compression equipment companies are worth considering. Specifically, this niche industry is booming thanks to an ongoing secular trend of increasing natural gas volumes due to relatively recent technological advances as well as environmental concerns. This detailed write-up is from Darren McCammon of the highly successful Cash Flow Kingdom (a membership service of which we are a paying customer).