Upcoming Dividend Payments: Blue Harbinger Income Equity

Just a quick note (and some data) on the upcoming dividend payments in the Blue Harbinger Income Equity Strategy. Keep in mind, the current yield on this strategy is impressive at 4.5%. However it's the total return (dividends plus price appreciation) that we believe makes this strategy so attractive (it's already up over 21% since its launch in January, and it's beating the S&P 500 handily)...

For starters, the average yield in the Blue Harbinger Income Equity portfolio is 5.04%. However, because we have invested more dollars invested in some of the lower yielding investments (mainly the ETFs) the overall portfolio yield is currently 4.50%.

Remember, however, total return includes dividends plus price appreciation. And as the following chart shows, the strategy has done extremely well since its inception in January of this year...